Where to start where to start???
I guess we'll get the bad out of the way. Apparently Brett Favre is waging a media war against the Packers. He's now claiming that he was forced to retire. Or something, I can't stand to listen to him anymore. Just go away. Why wait until now to try and wage this battle? Why not 4 months ago. Maybe at that point they would have been more open to the idea of him coming back. You don't think the coaching staff and the management teams have been feverishly working on a game

Which brings me to my next point. Why does he have to be given the starting role? Why shouldn't he fight for the starting job. If he's the better man, then he's starts. Isn't this usually how things work? I think it's ridiculous the way he's acting! Don't get me wrong, I think Farve is a great QB. I love his intensity, the fun he has on the field, and just the way he plays the game. But this is just an old, tired act.
And the real kicker. He went on Greta's On the Record to whine about all this. How many different places could he have gone to vent? When I worked nights I watched Greta just about every night. And if you've never watched the show, you can just watch one and you've seen them all. She always has the same guests and asks the same questions. I didn't watch the interview, but I would not be the least bit surprised if she asked him if he knew where Natalee Holloway was.
Life without CC is much better than originally thought. They're somehow hitting and they just swept the Rays in Cleveland. This really shouldn't be too surprising. They're lineup is exactly the same, they just have Sowers or some other lackey pitching every 5th day. And the offense started producing. So, they swept the Rays. Stranger things have happened.
Which brings me to the fact that the Rays have collapsed. They were 7 games up in the loss column about 2 weeks ago. Now they're down a game. The All-Star break could not have come at a better time. They need this break to get back on track and start again dominating the AL East like they did for most of the first half of the season. They've got a great young team. And there's nothing more I would love to see than both the Yankees and Sox out of the postseason. I'm not holding my breath that this is going to happen, but miracles do happen.
Monday night at the "House that Ruth Built" was simply amazing. Did you know that they were tearing it down at the end of this season? Yeah, me either. Anyhow, Josh Hamilton put on an amazing display. It looked like he was hitting balls off a tee the way he was launching them out of Yankee Stadium. It looked effortless. He made it look like anybody could hit a baseball 400 feet.
It's a great story about him also. Got rid of the drugs, got his life back on track, and is now an all-star putting on a display nobody is going to forget about anybody anytime soon. It was amazing. I enjoyed watching the competition and all of the fun that the other major leaguers were having sitting and watching.
And lastly, the Browns open training camp next Wednesday. Where did the summer go??? But I, along with most of the rest of the country, have very high hopes for the Browns this season. Let's hope they don't collapse and pull what the Indians did this summer. From what I hear, Brady is playing some good football and DA is playing better. The O-line is back together. They got some help on the D-line. The linebackers have matured, Jamal Lewis has revitalized his career. And the recieving corps is going to be 2nd to none! And with my purchase of the Sunday ticket this season, I can't wait for football to start!!
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