This internet social networking is simply amazing. People that I haven't heard from in years have reached out to my facebook page. Unreal. It's neat to see what everybody is up to, where they are at, kids, marriage... People that I'm pretty sure I would not otherwise speak to I have been in touch with. What a great thing this whole internet has done for us!
I love reading the message boards after all of the articles I read on the Plain Dealer online. Fucking hysterical! My favorite was a reader that is making his case for Brady Quinn being the starter because of a ball he threw in some preseason game last year, he can't remember which one, and he thinks Jurevicious caught it, but he's also not sure. He's claiming that it's the best throw he's seen in years. I'm not even going to comment about this further. I'll never understand why having 2 capable QBs is such a huge problem???

My girlfriend makes the most amazing Buffalo Dip.
CC is dealing in Milwaukee. Such a shame the Tribe could not keep him around.
I was in Cleveland this weekend and went for a boat ride on the Goodtime III. Very nice. it was a beautiful day and the trip up the Cuyahoga was very relaxing! I was simply amazed that the East bank of the flats is gone. Not just abandoned, but gone!!! The buildings were gone! Everything!! What a great place that was about 7 years ago.. What the hell happened.
From what I've been reading, Anderson to Braylon is looking real good in camp!! I just got chills!!!

It's very painful watching somebody you love in a miserable relationship with an absolutely miserable person.
And lastly, one of the most amazing things happened in Cleveland Hopkins Airport on Sunday afternoon. My flight back to Chicago was delayed 3 hours. I was with my 6, soon to be 7, year old. I thought I was going to have a hard time occupying her for the delay, but she made friends with some little girls in the airport and had a ball. But that's not the story, the story is that one of the little girls was from somewhere in the Middle East, I don't know where, and she didn't speak English, she spoke Arabic. This didn't matter to the 4-7 year olds and the fun they had. It was absolutely amazing to watch the 3 of them play together even though they couldn't communicate with the little Mid Eastern Girl. The 3 of them had so much fun. It's really something the lessons little kids can teach.
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